On Monday, May 8, 2022, at 10 a.m., we’ll be starting registration for our 2023 Community Garden season. Presently, we have 34 boxes available for seasonal rental.
We’re asking gardeners to email our general account, [email protected], if they’re interested in renting a raised bed. We will only accept reservations via email after 10 a.m. on the date noted above, NOT before. If you’re a returning gardener, please indicate in your email whether you want to retain your box from last season (2022) – we will do our best to accommodate. As always, we will maintain a waitlist.
The annual rental fee is $10 per box. Payments can be made by cash or debit at the Town Office, 112 Water St, Harbour Grace, NL. The deadline to pay this fee will be Monday, May 29, at 4:30 p.m. Any unpaid boxes will be reallocated to gardeners on the waitlist. For those interested in extra boxes, these will not be granted until after the May 29 payment deadline, as our goal is to make the garden as accessible for as many gardeners as possible. However, if you’re interested in possible extra boxes, please note this in your registration email and we’ll add your name to the waitlist. The deadline for cleaning out your boxes and ‘turning soil’ is July 15. Neglected boxes will be reallocated to those interested and registration fees are non-refundable.
As you know, we now have a greenhouse for community gardeners! If you want access to the greenhouse, please note this in your registration email. Right now, capacity is limited to 6 gardeners. If interest exceeds this capacity, names will be drawn from a lottery. Those who aren’t selected from the lottery process (if required) will have ‘first dibs’ next season (2024). Those using the greenhouse will be responsible for bringing their own materials (seed trays, etc.).
We will have some soil delivered for June.
We’re planning to have a harvest showcase and potluck lunch for gardeners in September! There’ll be some category prizes to reward your hard work! Stay tuned for further updates.